Should You Really Go to Class?
One of the many perks of college in comparison to high school is that you have more freedom in deciding whether to attend class. Given this choice, there are many pros and cons that need to be considered before you skip. Let’s begin with the cons of going to class.
First off, having any 8:00 a.m. should be reason enough to skip. Professors just need to face the fact that our brains are not meant to function that early in the morning. We may drink enough coffee to send our heart rate through the roof, but mentally, we are still daydreaming about that comfy, warm bed that we sadly and unwillingly had to depart from. On top of that, we are still in mourning from our loss of sleep. It’s common knowledge that sleep really is the college student’s best friend. Therefore, it is quite tragic that we have to sacrifice that friendship for our education. When given the choice between sleep and attending class, it is a no-brainer as to which is the wiser option.
If you are miraculously able to wake up from your deep slumber and get yourself out the door, more often than not, you are met with a huge gust of cold wind right to the face. If you weren’t already alert, that should do the trick. While the summer and spring weather is normally nice, the winter and fall weather can be pretty brutal. And sometimes, the act of walking to class alone is more unbearable than sitting through the lecture itself.
Let’s say you bravely get out of bed, face the weather, and finally make it to class. Then what? Now that you are basically stuck there, you have nothing better to do than text your friends and maybe check Facebook and Twitter while you’re at it. Before you know it, class is over, and it’s no big deal because you can just copy the notes from a friend or use Google (a college student’s second best friend). Again, this emphasizes just how pointless attending the class was in the first place.
Also, the simple act of going to class leads to homework, which leads to quizzes, which leads to exams, which leads to projects, which leads to presentations. All of these things added together equal one thing: stress. Too much stress can cause a variety of health issues. In this sense, skipping class helps to promote your health.
Another con of going to class is that it takes up your Netflix time. As everyone knows, Netflix ranks a close second to sleep on the importance scale when considering your priorities. It’s vital that we stay caught up on every new update on our favorite shows. For some, it is our only connection to the outside world.
Now, I know that was a pretty convincing argument for why you should not attend class, but there also are some minor pros of going to class that are worth mentioning.
The most obvious one is that your teacher will not pull you aside and say that you never attended class. This is because technically you did…that one time. This is regardless of the fact that it was only to get the participation points, worth 2% of your final grade, just for attending the first day.
Aside from that, there is also the fact that you are getting an education…but hey, there’s nothing Google can’t help you do right?
Now that all these pros and cons are listed and described, what is your final verdict? Should you skip class? Choose wisely.